Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Brita Classic Filter Cartridges x 3 price

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Price: £13.61

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Brita Classic Filter Cartridges x 3 Review

Health and Wellbeing; more important than ever…

Drinking a sufficient amount of water is one of the simplest exercises for staying healthy. Almost all bodily functions such as blood pressure, liver, kidneys, joints and digestion require water to function perfectly. After all, our bodies are made up of approximately 70% water.

Health and Wellbeing; more important than ever…

Drinking a sufficient amount of water is one of the simplest exercises for staying healthy. Almost all bodily functions such as blood pressure, liver, kidneys, joints and digestion require water to function perfectly. After all, our bodies are made up of approximately 70% water.

Millions of households already choose BRITA filtered water for cleaner, clearer great tasting drinks; but did you know that BRITA is the only water filter brand to recycle its cartridges.  The UK’s leading water filter company has teamed up with some of the UK’s biggest retailers to launch a new in-store water filter cartridge-recycling scheme, allowing you to return your cartridges and do your bit for the environment. 
Health experts are always reminding us of the benefits of drinking plenty of water to help our bodies stay fit and our minds alert.  Domestic water filters are an ideal way to ensure we enjoy our daily dose.
Although tap water in the UK is perfectly safe, it doesn’t always taste, look or smell as pleasant as we’d like. Chlorine can produce a smell reminiscent of swimming pool water, and the effect can be noticeable not only in drinking water but in hot drinks and food cooked in water. Lime scale (temporary hardness) present in hard water can impair the taste of tea and coffee and leave an oily film on the surface, as well as causing scale build up in appliances. Metals such as lead and copper, can also affect the taste of water. BRITA filters reduce these impurities, improving the taste, smell and appearance to give a more enjoyable drinking experience.
BRITA cartridges allow you to benefit from cleaner, clearer, great tasting hot and cold drinks.

Hard water affects many parts of the UK reducing the quality, taste and appearance of our tea and coffee.  As lime scale is present in drinking water, it can build up in our appliances and also cause an oily film to appear on the top of your cup of tea.  A BRITA jug or water filter kettle will reduce these impurities giving you cleaner, clearer, great tasting tea and less de-scaling or replacing of your kettle.
Each Classic cartridge delivers up to 150 litres of great tasting BRITA filtered water, so at only 4p per its great value for money!
How do I prepare my cartridge?

Remove the protective wrapper (note: cartridge inside wrapper may appear moist, this is simply condensation). Immerse cartridge in cold water and shake to release and air bubbles. The filter is now ready for use.

Note: as is required for some other water filter cartridges, there is no need to pre-soak the Classic cartridge.

Cartridge installation

Place the cartridge into the funnel and push downwards until it slots firmly into place. The cartridge should then stay in place if the funnel is turn upside down.

Flushing the Filter

When the new cartridge is installed you will then need to flush two lots of water through the cartridge; these first two fillings are used to flush and prepare the filter cartridge. Now refill the funnel and the system is ready for use.

In order to keep our bodies in top form we should drink an average of 2.0 litres of water each day. Hydration is important for our bodies to function properly both physically and mentally. Our seven golden water rules might help you to keep the perfect water balance. Please also read our special tips for children and during pregnancy.
Hydration – just how important is it?
Our bodies are around two-thirds water, so it is hardly surprising that water is crucial to our health and general well-being.

It forms a major part of our blood, lubricates our joints and eyes, aids digestion, flushes out waste and toxins and helps us look better by keeping skin smooth and elastic. Drinking too little water can lead to dehydration and, in turn tiredness, lethargy, headaches, inability to concentrate, dry or cracked skin and even reduced blood pressure.

When exercising – get the most out of your workout!
Exercise is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, but is important not to forget that muscles do not work as well when dehydrated.

We can lose over a litre of water in an as little as an hour when exercising, so it is important to put those fluids back. Experts recommend drinking water before, during and after exercise to avoid dehydration.

Under the weather, one way to start feeling better

There are a few times when keeping fluid levels topped up is quite important as when we are ill, water is lost in a number of ways, particularly through sweating and diarrhoea, often at a time when the stomach is particularly sensitive. Keep a BRITA water filter close to hand to make sure the patient can help themselves to a glass of water to sip whenever they're feeling thirsty.

In retirement – as important as ever

As we get older, our ability to recognise feelings of thirst fades. This can result in symptoms of dehydration that are easily countered by keeping water levels topped up. Keeping a jug filter topped up is a good reminder to drink the recommended amount, and ensures you are drinking water at its best.

Seven Golden Water Rules

Drinking lots of water will keep you fit: you will not become physically tired as quickly and you will also be mentally "on the ball" when your water reservoirs are filled up.

Rules for healthy drinking:
• Drink at least 8 x 250ml glasses a day or more if you get a lot of exercise. Do not wait until you are thirsty.
• Drink lots of water evenly distributed over the day. The best way to do it is to always have a supply of drinking water close by: on your desk, in the train, in the car, at the beach...
• Water cannot be replaced by coffee, tea or soft drinks. Coffee and alcohol even have a dehydrating effect.

• Drink before, during and after working out. Take regular water breaks!
• The very best thing is to start and finish each day with a glass of water, because while you sleep your body loses water.
• Cold viruses can dehydrate your body. Therefore you should always keep a big bottle of water near your sickbed, so that you do not have to get up to get a drink.
• When the weather is hot, drink room temperature or warm water for keeping your water equilibrium in balance; warm water is absorbed much faster than iced water.

From Pregnancy onwards

Children – an easy way to give them the best start…

Children in particular need plenty of water - but a recent survey commissioned by BRITA shows that almost two thirds (64%) of children aged 3-15 do not drink enough water.

Because they can be so active, children in particular need plenty of fluid to stay healthy. But according to the results of the survey, most children are not drinking enough water - preferring fizzy drinks or squash instead.

In fact, soft and fizzy drinks seem to be replacing water, with children drinking on average over two soft or fizzy drinks a day. More worrying is that more than one in five drink three to six soft drinks per day and 6% drink seven glasses or more.

Water consumption is not high enough with more than a third (36%) of children drinking only two glasses of water or less. Worse still, 4% of parents say their children do not drink any water at all.

Children should drink between six and eight glasses per day of a size appropriate for the age of the child and children of all ages should drink a bit more in hot weather and when running around.

Water enables your body to digest food more efficiently and assists the bowel in getting rid of waste products. It also helps your body to deal better with the sugar and salt in food so that it does not retain too much of these potentially health-damaging substances.

It can reduce fluid retention as well as cushioning unsettling swings in blood-sugar levels.

Parents and teachers find that children are better able to concentrate, maintain good behaviour and feel good if they drink enough water - the effects can literally be life changing.

A child who does not drink enough is at risk of dehydration, showing symptoms such as headaches, constipation, lethargy and urinary tract infections. Even mild dehydration is thought to affect the ability to concentrate at school.

Character of Water

Today, drinking water is taken for granted in the majority of the developed countries. Still, it is one of our most precious resources. Most of our tap water comes from reservoirs or rivers, the rest being taken from underground sources.

The 'raw' water goes through an intensive treatment process to make it safe for human consumption, although ground water, because it goes through a process of natural purification, needs little treatment (apart from some disinfectant to keep it safe during transportation).

Filtered vs. bottled

Tap water is perfectly safe. But it does not always taste, look or smell as good as many of us would like. Impurities that affect your tap water's taste, odour, and colour include:
• Chlorine: Chlorine can be used in water supply as a safe disinfectant. It has a bad taste and odour.
• Sediment: This is inorganic matter or natural vegetation. Sediment can cause build up in household pipes and bad tastes and odours.
• Water Hardness: Hard water contains dissolved minerals such as magnesium and calcium. These two elements in time cause limescale to build up in kettles, hot water appliances.
• Metals and Heavy metals such as lead, copper and aluminium are often present, depending on the age of your homes plumbing.

Filtered water
Filtered water will provide you and your family with clean, clear, and fresh tasting drinking water and:

• Makes great tasting coffee and tea.
• Reduces limescale build up in kettles and coffeemakers.
• May improve the colour and texture of foods cooked with water and can reduce the amount of scum produced during cooking.
• Costs much less than bottled water.
• Helps cut flowers to last longer and household plants thrive.

Bottled water

There are three main types of bottled water - mineral, spring and table. Each is subject to strict regulations.

In fact, there is no legally required minimum content for minerals in mineral water, and levels in some bottled water have been found to be similar to those in tap water.

Research into 28 mineral and spring waters (and one table) published in 1995 found that all had what the regulations defined as a low mineral content. You really cannot rely on these waters to make a significant contribution to your mineral intake, its report concluded.

Hard or soft water – what does it mean to you?

Confusingly there are two different kinds of water hardness, both caused by calcium and magnesium salts. The first, found in most water, is known as permanent hardness and is caused by the calcium and magnesium salts of chloride and sulphate. They give water its characteristic taste but do not cause scale deposits when the water is heated.

The second type of hardness is called temporary hardness and is caused by calcium and magnesium bicarbonate. Calcium and magnesium bicarbonate are destroyed by boiling and therefore this is sometimes referred to as "temporary hardness". Boiling changes it to insoluble carbonate, which is the deposit we know as scale. This fixes to surfaces such as heating elements and boiler walls. It also causes that murky, scummy appearance in tea and coffee.

Classic Cartridge:
The original BRITA filter cartridge for cleaner, clearer, great tasting water.

The BRITA Classic filter cartridge reduces limescale and other substances such as chlorine which affect the taste and odour in your tap water. Furthermore it reduces aluminium and certain heavy metals (like copper and lead) and certain pesticides (like diurone).

Organic impurities are also reduced. The result is cleaner, clearer, great tasting water for hot and cold drinks, and for delicious food. You will also have less limescale build up in your domestic appliances.


Do your bit for the environment…

Recycle your used Brita cartridges.
All components of the BRITA cartridge are recyclable. Cartridges returned to BRITA will be returned to our own recycling plant in Germany where the component parts are separated and processed for secondary use.

Brita Classic Water Filter Cartridges
Removal of chlorine, lime scale and impurities
Fits a range of Brita Classic water filter jugs & Brita Acclario water filter kettles
Will filter 1 month's supply of water for the avarage family
No pre-soaking
Suitable for all water types.

See more technical details

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